Tuesday, February 25

We Outspoken

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We Outspoken é uma banda canadense de rock que recém desembarcou em seu país após uma grande turnê na Europa/UK e fará três apresentações no Brasil, no mês de Março.

A recente turnê na europa rendeu além de várias fotos, um documentário de 1h30m com cenas dos shows e dos passeios da banda pelos pontos turisticos dos países que tocaram.

O primeiro single da banda "I don't Know" mostrou de cara a pegada do som da banda e o quão maduro é o som, mas somente com "The Fall Out" foi que a banda alcançou níveis maiores na carreira.

A banda conta com uma divulgação voltada aos fãs muito rica, distribuindo braceletes com o nome da banda e o lema "Be strong, be you." para qaisquer aqueles que solicitarem por email os ítens e, por vezes, já mandaram bottons e/ou camisetas para fãs que colaboraram sempre para a divulgação do som da banda.

Em seu primeiro EP "Here We Go", músicas bem acabadas, porém não finalizadas, sendo que somente em "We Outspoken" - uma peça com faixas remixadas e inéditas - a banda conseguiu emplacar seus hits. Mesmo falando de uma banda pouco conhecida, a qualidade sonora e dedicação da banda para a divulgação do nome e do som, supreendem. Houve troca de nomes de algumas canções, singelas mudanças na letra, mas o som ainda era o mesmo, até o "New Heights", quando algumas faixas receberam uma nova pegada e alterações nas letras.

A banda criou um universo zumbi para divulgar o single "Crisis" e conseguiram assim o fazer de maneira muito bacana e gerou o vídeo abaixo.

Mais recente ainda, a banda lançou o video clipe da música "A Million People Watching", mantendo a ideia de belas paisagens, como em "The Fall Out", agora na praia.

Pois bem, a banda desembarca em março no Brasil para a realização de três shows, sendo um no Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo e outro em Curitiba.

Desconheço dos locais escolhidos para as apresentações, mas ouvi muito bem do Hangar 110, em São Paulo, até dado em vista que a banda fará o primeiro show do ano da casa, reabrindo, em 2014, em grande estilo. No melhor do underground canadense.

Estou particularmente animado com o show em Curitiba e as expectativas estão bem altas. Ansioso para cumprimentar os caras e curtir um som agradável com a boa companhia dos amigos.

O tema "Canadian Invasion" foi o mesmo usado para a turnê européia e traz um charme canadense agora em terras tupiniquins.

Mais informações: weoutspoken.com


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Sometimes I punch myself in the face, but I have to learn how to deal with this feeling. Is it good this way? Is it going better? Well, I have cried quiet a lot, in silent, without a single tear. It is the goddamn worst cry ever, the one from inside, which lays down there, deep inside, on the bottom of my mind. The truth says I am an asshole, the one unloved who deserves to die, but who cares, right? Well, I do and apparently, it became a good way to deal this if I just do not care, at all. Which sucks, by the way. Specially because my – silent – way of dealing with “not caring at all” thing is just a base for my own faithless thoughts. What is next? What am I going to have to wait from you? Pity? Mercy? I want nothing, but my three years-old again. Can it be? Well, I am stuck inside my own thoughts and lost inside my mind and guess what, you are not helping. Guess what, once again, you can do nothing! So, sit back, relax and have a smoke. Life goes on and I am not ready to leave you, so you are. You must ask yourself how I feel, but I feel great, trust me. Self-destruction is my favorite subject. A brand new way of life when what comes is profit, gain and pain, sometimes. It happens quiet a lot in India, does not? Well, there is a hell of people there, so I am – pretty - sure somebody there would understand me, somehow. Can I say one last thing? I would kill myself before giving up on you, but I do care about my self-respect – somehow – despite the fact you will have to – really – leave me if you care about yourself that much. A sick me. A sick life. A Sick boy with a sick addiction – if there is some way an addiction cannot be sick, let me know – with a sick mind working on a sick body. Leave me as soon as you feel free for it, but leave me whenever you want, do not think about me getting high during classes or mind about the bollocks. It is just a pity life, without easy gain, so I must die in the comfort of my couch. What else can I do? My mind keeps telling me I am a freak, trying to be different, but keeps acting like everybody. A sick lie. I guess I will punch myself again. Good Night, folks. That is all, for now.

I guess punches keep my mind focused in something different than my stomachaches or chest pain.
Stronger. Better one. Relief.



Tuesday, February 18

I can feel death, can see its beady eyes.

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"All these things we'll one day swallow whole

And fade out again"

"Street Spirit (Fade Out)" by Radiohead.

It seems like hearts have been broken.

The only voices I can identify inside of my head says "STOP" and another one that says "TALKING" - well, I don't know if they're combined, but I can't tell why I've been so messed up.

Maybe she wasn't the sick one, maybe she got sick for me being the sick one.
Maybe she was right, maybe I was the baddest thing that ever happened to her.

I don't know what to say and no longer what to think.

I've thought I've had you also as a friend, but I can see I've lost that a long miles ago and I don't know exactly why.

It's okay for you to ignore me from now on, 'cause I'd do the same if I were you.
The psycho and immature son of a bitch who suddenly started to talk shit and made you need a friend.

Another one. A different one.

Wasn't you supposed to be a friend of mine, either? Shouldn't we be able to count on ourselves when the things get bad? I guess that was a misunderstanding, because the time I needed you to the most or opened myself up that much, I haven't you. Not the way you've said I've had it and certainly way more different than the way you've been saying you've being. What was the point of asking myself to talk what I was thinking, in the first place? I wonder... Would you just let me die, for this once?

You've built these expectations on me. You've fed them up.

Dammit, I think I'm more angry and pissed then reasonable. I know I've been a jerk too, but I was counting on you, so I guess I'm sorry.

I should just come back to work and die. Silent, not to disturb anyone.
